Picasso Catalog
Tungsten Neko Weight The Picasso Tungsten Neko W eightofers an innovative screw-locking system thatfirm ly secures yoursoftplastics and reduces loosening on the cast. The exposed head is constructed from high-density 97% tungsten thatprovides optim al feedbackofbotom structureand detection ofthem ostsubtleofbites.
Available in two spring diam eters to fita wide range ofplastics. Sm alSpring-Recom m ended forthinnerdiam eterfinesseworm s. Medium Spring-Recom m ended forthickerdiam eterworm s. Available in 1/16oz,3/32oz& 1/8oz.Sold in 3 packs
Smal Spring 1/8” Wide
Medium Spring 3/16”W ide
Gunm etal(GM)
Chartreuse (15)
97% SuperHard,DenseTungsten W ithoutAny InferiorPlastic FilerM aterialM ixed In
www.picassolures.com •724-717-6264 •service@ picassolures.com
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