Picasso Catalog
The Picasso BaitBals are constructed with low visibility brown wire thatalows the fish to focus on the baits being presented instead ofthe distraction offlashy wires. The lightweighthigh-im pactresistantplastic head and em bedded nose swivelprevents line twistand also prevents the fish from leveraging itselfof when hooked. The blades are perfectly sized to provide flash and vibration to atractthe fish while stil alowing the rig to stay down in the strike zone withoutgeting lift. No longerdoesabroken swivelrenderyourUm brelaRig uselessand destined forthetrash along with yourhard earned m oney.Featuresthem arketsonly SLIDING SLEEVE thatalowsforquickreplacem entofanydam aged term inalswivelsorafastchangeoutofprerigged swim baitheads.Thiscan beparticularlycritical during tournam entsituationswhen rigging up an entirelynew Um brelaRig can takeup m uch needed tim e.Equipped with Am erican m adeprem ium com ponentsincluding a 75lb strength nose swivel,and 75lb strength term inalsnap swivels to assure landing the doubles and even triples thatthis rig com m only catches. Available in foursizes Pulse,Original,Juniorand Finesse. baitball 3D EYE blades
LightW eightHigh-Im pact ResistantPlasticHead W ithIm bedded 140lbs.Test NoseSwivel
Pulse 5Arm 5Baits
75lbTestTerm inal SnapSwivel
Length: 8.5”
Low VisibilityBrown W ire
www.picas olures.com 724-717-6264 service@picas olures.com
SlidingSleeveFeature ReplaceDam aged/W orn Picas oSnapSwivelsInSeconds
Gold/3D eye
Original 5Arm 5Baits
Length: 8”
Nickel/3D eye
Junior 5Arm 5Baits
Finese 5Arm 5Baits
Length: 6.75”
Length: 5”
m ade in the usa
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