Picasso Catalog
shakey Pro
TheShakeyPro m aylooklikejustanotherbal head butitrivals al shakey heads due to its elevated line tie wel above the centerofgravity. Notonlydoesthishead stand up yourplasticbut itkeepsthelinetiein ahigh position whererocks and othercovercan’tfray yourline.Slighttension ofthe line works to stand up plastics and deliver fastcam action hook sets.The stainless spring lock with a sm al pigtailstartalows quick rigging ofyourfavorite plastics and the supersharp 1X strong hookisavailablein both a3/0and 5/0option.Madein theUSA
LonnieCochran ProfessionalGuide
EasyToRig CoilBaitKeeper Elevated Line Tie Protects KnotFrom Fray& Helps HeadStandUpW ith LineTension
GreenPum pkin(18)
www.picassolures.com •724-717-6264 •service@ picassolures.com
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