Picasso Catalog
ThePicasso W eedlessSm artm outh Inlinealowsam orefinesseapproach than ourAlTerain Inline with the sam e titanium weed guards to getyou through cover.Rig yourfavorite paddle tail,fluke or otherplastic trailer.W ith ourdouble baitkeeperand sm alerhook sizes you can be assured your plastic stays in place on hard casts orworking through grass.Builtin a variety ofhook sizes and head weightsthesm artm outh inlinecan covershalow to deeperwater.Proudlym adein theUSA.
Low AngleTitanium W eedguard PreventsHang Ups Even IfTheBaitRolsIn Cover
3X Strong Mustad UltraPointHook
Sm artMouth Plus Life Like Fish Head
3D eyes
Low-AngleDoubleBait KeeperForEasyRigging
Chip Resistant DurasealCoating
Shad (01N) NickelBlade
Tennessee Shad (11G) Gold Blade
LonnieCochran ProfessionalGuide
Plain (PLN) NickelBlade
www.picassolures.com •724-717-6264 •service@ picassolures.com
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