Picasso Catalog
tungsten little spotty The Picasso Tungsten Litle Spotyisconstructed from 97% superhard,dense tungsten withoutanyinferiorplasticm aterialm ixed in.The resultisa dram aticincrease in sensitivityoverjigsm ade from lead ortungsten com pound,alowing you to feelchangesin botom structure and detectthe m ost subtle bites.The com pactsize com bined with the low profile three-strand titanium weed guard alowsthe jig to com e through coverwith fewerhang-ups while being flexible enough to notim pede the hookset.You im m ediatelywilnotice an increased percentage ofhookupsversustraditonalbrush style weed guardsthatare often too stif and resultin m issed catches. Picasso’sexclusive ultra-softthin sheetsilcone skirting m aterialcreatesfish enticing undulation thatiscom parable to thatofrubberskirtm aterial.A wire baitkeeperkeepsyourplastictrailersecure withoutthe need forusing glue. The supersharp 3/0 (4/0 option on 1/4,3/8 & 1/2 )Gam akatsu 2X strong hookwilpenetrate instantlyand isstrong enough to handle the giants. Ofered in an assortm entofproven colorsthatwilkeep yourlive welful.Discoverthe feeland perform ance ofhard tungsten!
New Color!
M oney(52)
2X Strong Gam akatsu Hook
Low AngleTitanium W eed guard Preventshang ups even ifthe baitrols in cover
Premium Silicone Skirt
Chip Resistant Duraseal TM Coating
Approxim ate Overal Length 2”
Electric Green Pum pkin (85)
Green Pum pkin Tiger(70)
Black/Blue Shower(57)
Green Pum pkin/Orange/Tiger(51)
HolographicShad (99)
BlueGil (21)
Green Pum pkinAm berRed (72)
Green Pum pkin Chartreuse Tiger(71)
www.picassolures.com • 724-717-6264 •service@ picassolures.com
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