Picasso Catalog
Tungsten Football jig The finesse-size Picasso Tungsten FootbalJig isconstructed from 97% superhard,dense tungsten withoutanyinferiorplasticm aterialm ixed in.The resultisa dram aticincrease in sensitivityoverjigsm ade from lead ortungsten com pound,alowing you to feelchangesin botom structure and detectthe m ostsubtle bites. The finesse size head com bined with the low profile three-strand titanium weed guard alowsthe jig to com e through areaswith fewerhang-upswhile being flexible enough to notim pede the hookset.You im m ediatelywilnotice an increased percentage ofhookupsversustraditionalbrush-style weed guardsthatare often too stif and resultin m issed catches.Picasso’sexclusive ultra-softthin sheetsilcone skirting m aterialcreatesfish enticing undulation thatiscom parable to thatofrubber skirtm aterial.A wire baitkeeperkeepsyourplastictrailersecure withoutthe need forusing glue.The supersharp Gam akatsu 2X strong hookwilpenetrate instantly even with a lightline butisstrong enough to handle the giants.Ofered in an assortm entofproven colorsand hookoptionsto perfectlym atch to yourplastictrailer. Discoverthe feeland perform ance ofhard tungsten!
NickelTitanium Triple W eedguardPreventshangups even ifthebaitrolsin cover
2X Strong90° Gam akatsuHook
Chip Resistant DurasealPaint
Picas o’sExclusive UltraSoft SiliconeSkirt
SolidOnePiece97% Tungsten forIncreased Sensitivityand Feel
New Color
M oney-52
ElectricGreenPum pkin-85
Alabam aCraw -44
Bam aBream -24
GreenPum pkinGlim m er-27
PB&J - 30
W arm outh-97
GreenPum pkinM agic-77
GreenPum pkin/Orange/Tiger-51
AaronsM agic -36
TexM ex-19
GreenPum pkin/Am ber/Red -72
M oltingCraw -12
OkeechobeeCraw -89
PurplePhantom -06
Green Pum pkin tiger/Chartreuse-71
GreenPum pkinTiger/Purple -78
W aterm elon/Cam o/Chartreuse-65
GreenPum pkinTiger-70
Black/Red Cam o-47
DarkRedCraw -33
www.picassolures.com • 724-717-6264 • service@ picassolures.com
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