Picasso Catalog

custom hand tied

old school

W e use flatrubberin m edium cutonlyforourhand-tied skirts.Flatrubberhassuperiorundulation com pared to round and forthatreason,none wil be found here.Each colorism eticulouslycrafted to bring togetherthe superioraction offlatrubberm ixed with the fish-atracting vibrantcolors thatonlysilcone m aterialcan bring to the table.The one-two punch wilputm ore fish in yourlive wel!The Custom Old SchoolDockRocketis m olded with ourPro M etal,m ade bycom bining lead with m uch harderm etalaloysofering greatersensitivityand a beterfeelofthe botom than pure lead.The old-schoolDockRocketJig,asthe nam e suggests,hasthe perfectcom bination ofhead design and balance forskipping docks, blowdowns,and othercover.The jigs’versatiltyalso m akesforan idealcasting and flipping/pitching jig.The brush weed guard isperfectlyangled to alow the jig to com e through structure with ease.M olded with a recessed line tie forfewerhang-upsand featuresoursuperiorqualitycustom Japanese 4/0 hookto ensure excelenthookpenetration and needed strength to land the giants.A wire baitkeeperon the shaftofthe hookkeepsyour plastictrailersecure and preventsslippage.Finished with chip resistantDurasealcoating.Proudlym ade inAm erica.

Perfectly Angled Nylon W eed Guard

Picasso Custom JapaneseHook

Recessed Line Tie

Hand Tied Flat Rubber/Silicone Skirt

Chip Resistant Duraseal TM Coating

Black/Blue (103)

Ultim atePB&J(108) FulBlack/Brown Rubber(102) Sm ackDown (1 0) KickerCrawdad (109)


NaturalCraw (104)

KilerCraw (105)

Cam o Craw (106) Cam o Craw/Chartreuse (107)


www.picassolures.com •724-717-6264 •service@ picassolures.com

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