Picasso Catalog
Custom hand tied Fantasy Football W e use flatrubberin m edium cutonlyforourhand-tied skirts.Flatrubberhassuperiorundulation com pared to round and forthatreason,none wil be found here.Each colorism eticulouslycrafted to bring togetherthe superioraction offlatrubbercom bined with the fish-atracting vibrantcolors thatonlysilcone m aterialcan bring to the table.The one-two punch wilputm ore fish in yourlive wel!The Picasso Custom FantasyFootbalJig ism olded with ourPro M etal,m ade bycom bining lead with m uch harderm etalaloysofering greatersensitvityand a beterfeelofthe botom than pure lead.The head featuresa recessed line tie to ensure it"rols"outofanyrockycoverwith no hang-ups,and italso features a textured botom ,which createstraction and causesthe jig to rockbackand forth instead ofjustskidding orskating acrossthe botom .equipped with a stickysharp Gam akatsu hook.Finished with a chip resistantDurasealcoating.Proudlym ade inAm erica.
60°CrossEye Gam akatsu Hook
Com pletely Recessed Line Tie
Duraseal TM Coating ForChip-Resistant Long-LastingColor
Hand Tied Flat Rubber/Silicone Skirt
Textured Surface
Ultim ate PB&J (108)
SmackDown(1 0)
KickerCrawdad (109)
Black/Blue (103)
FulBlack/Brown Rubber(102)
NaturalCraw (104)
KilerCraw (105)
Cam o Craw (106)
Cam o Craw/Chartreuse (107)
www.picassolures.com •724-717-6264 •service@ picassolures.com
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